We are jumping off – with both feet!

Jo & Michael

Ever since I was eight years old, I have longed to make a difference. I mean at the grassroots level, to do the work and be able to say yes it mattered in some small way.

It’s not only a longing, it’s part of my DNA – who I am at my core. I have always been drawn to service and being part of the greater good.

My bucket list included doing something in which I was knee deep in the change.

In January of 2018, I decided it was now or never. As life would have, it in February 2017 life changed in a very real way, and later that summer I was reminded again that life is unpredictable and at times downright brutal! But I am digressing. I’ll get back to that later. For now, let’s just say that the saying ‘if not now, then it may never happen’ became very real.

And so, off the porch I jumped. You know the saying, “Go deep or go home”… oh wait that’s not the saying it’s “Go big or go home,” but it fits here.

So began the search – there had to be a way. And when you dig deep enough, there always is.

My husband, Michael, and I set out for Baja Mexico in October of 2018 with a plan to once again serve Cortez Rescue and New Kids Creations Orphanage. We were both able to contribute, and yet we knew there was still something more. But what?

Mexico Orphanage

Mexico Cortex

Mexico RileyWe had begun fostering beautiful fur babies first came Riley (left) whose personality was waiting to be unleashed. After that, we learned of an organization SNAP – Spay Neuter Awareness and Prevention clinics that set up clinics to help control population growth. They do remarkable work.

Michael and I volunteered for SNAP and our first time out I had eight animals in recovery to care for – we were in deep! The next weekend I had only three, but then I was shown an abandoned puppy who was so weak and malnourished she could not stand. The vet was sure she was blind.

Michael and I decided to foster her although we weren’t sure, she would survive the night we wanted her to feel love and lots of it. We, along with family, named her that day – Mexicali.Mexico Snap

Mexico MexicaliI am happy to report Mexicali (left) not only survived but is thriving and has a fabulous forever home in Vancouver BC. Her new name is Misty. Mimi followed Misty and what a joy she was to foster.

Mia and Mimi were inseparable and when Mimi when to her forever home Mia missed her (below).





Mexico Mia and Mimi

Mexico SnookiThen we met Snooki (right).

Snooki needed a village to get him to Vancouver – he had Team Snooki on his side, and he is living large.

Finally, there was Rusty (below), a dog we found lying on the side of the road broken and in shock – he had been hit by a car and left to die. Luckily, we were able to get him to the vet, cover his treatment costs and I am happy to report he fully recovered.

Mexico Rusty







In December we learned of the colonies. The colonies are the poorest of the poor. The majority of those who live there are single mothers who are destitute and without means to cover even the most basic of needs.

Mexico single mothers


We quickly went to work along with other amazing souls in Los Barriles gathering donations of anything and everything.

And on March 9th we went to the colonies with a guide, translator and a convoy – five truckloads of clothes, shoes, household goods, food, hygiene products, toothpaste, toothbrushes and much more.

The women came with their children their need so great. As we distributed the donations, there was graciousness and sense of urgency I have never seen before. I handed one young woman a bag of diapers, and she began to cry.

What was so touching was the collective sharing of items among women.

It was here we could see an immediate impact. We could make life more comfortable even if just for a moment or a few days.

Team Humanitarian

I promised to get back to why it’s now or maybe never… It’s true what they say – illness does not care who you are and what you do; it just is.

Last August after two-and a-bit years of trying to “manage” a syndrome diagnosed with (Vascular Ehlers Danlos) in mid-July of 2017 my neurologist told me I had now developed aneurysms in my brain. I have had them on my aorta for the past few years.

MY BRAIN! Not good! He followed with it’s time for you to take time to smell the flowers.

I was at a junction. Change nothing and check out, or change my lifestyle and live. I am nothing if not pragmatic, so the choice was clear. What was also clear is this need to go deep on my bucket list. And to help others have this ability to transform both their lives and others.

To that end, Michael and I decided in December to be effective meant not simply helicoptering in and out, but rather committing more time. We decided to sell our home on beautiful Vancouver Island and relocate for eight months of the year to Mexico so that I can serve until I no longer can.

So, we’re doing it again – we’re jumping off the porch and are frocking off to Mexico in the fall of 2019. And so, my darlings I write this both to say don’t wait until you can’t and do the thing you are called to do.

Hope to see you in Baja soon!

Love Jo and Michael



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