Tag Archives: relationship

Committed or Interested

So my dear, you say you’re committed. You say you are dedicated and will do whatever it takes and yet, you waiver in the face of adversity or worse you bolt! Is this harsh? Maybe. Or maybe it’s the truth. The kind of truth that wakes you at night. Or the kind…

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I touched a nerve!

Last month I posted a blog about the importance of being present in all we do. The importance of access, clarity, community, and accountability. Of going, growing, learning and the importance of attending live events. The blog addressed the lack of human interaction that online programs offer. They aren’t a ‘one perfect solution’…

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Sizzle or Fizzle – It’s your call!

When you know, I mean really know deep in your bones, it shows in all you do. It becomes easier, natural and repeatable. This statement is applicable each time we learn something new. Once we know something it becomes less about the mechanics, and more about the results. You have likely met…

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