Lisa Meikle

Ambassador of Change  [Learn More]  
Health Practioner | Vancouver Island, BC
891 Millstone Ave.
Nanaimo, BC 

Soul Nourishment Coach and Owner of Bodacious Living by Lisa.

Inspiring women to carve out me-time as an act of self-love and appreciation. Making self-care a lifestyle they love, loving themselves first.

Lisa is passionate about teaching women to make self-care a way of being. Helping them create rituals to support their well-being. She has 3 decades of serving women in her spa as a self-care expert, soul-nourishment coach. She recently took her Spa to a higher level where she continues to nurture and nourish women but now has added Soul-Care - the inner care of the self, for those women that want to go deeper in their self-discovery journey. She has spent the last 3 decades expanding her knowledge of massage, energy healing, and deep feminine empowerment work, through trainings including Warrior Sage training, the Mystery of Life, and Soulful Women's Certificate Program.

Facebook: BodaciousLivingbyLisa

Twitter: @SpaNanaimo

LinkedIn: lisa-meikle


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